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Re: My sons '79 Wag build..

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 1:46 pm
by kZ900Jim
Keeping posts separate..

I removed the dash and dash pad the other day and disassembled the mostly non-functioning gauges to test fir the new Dakota Digital units.
The initial fit is good altho I had to tweak the back side of the dash as it was warped a bit from heat and age to make the unit fit in.


Test fitting..

New gauge pack installed..

I did need to trim off the little nubs that the original clear gauge faces were glued to so that the new gauges fit up close..

2 parts of the circuit board hit the back and didn't fit into the opening, I used a file to make a relief for it to fit into, I wasn't going to trim the circuit board for warranty reasons if they should arise.

Re: My sons '79 Wag build..

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:12 am
by kZ900Jim
Got the dash bezel painted, my taping skills lack a bit so some small touch up work is needed. I also screwed-the-pooch when I taped off the lettering, the brittle silk screening peeled off with the tape.. :banghead:
My daughter is a screen printer so we may a solution to fix it.. we'll see...

Over all it turned out very nice, the 'chrome' paint looks good, better than my test shots, but not as good as the cap on the can.. don't let the cap fool you.. LOL

Re: My sons '79 Wag build..

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 7:15 pm
by kZ900Jim
My daughter has come up with a great solution to her ol' mans screw-up... Since she is a screen printer and has access to some cool materials, she devised a plan to print the damaged text with the black surround.
I carefully removed the 2 plates by using a dremel and removing the material that the factory melted together.

I used the same tape to remove the rest of the black paint, i was left with an opaque white paint behind the black..

I used some naphtha to remove the opaque paint.. The plastic is clear behind it.

The fix is she will print the lettering with the black background on a clear sheet after shes done her graphics voodoo, ( I did the initial set-up in autocad)
we will clear coat the sheet so the colors are fast and wont fade. I'll cut them out and either use a spray glue or double sided tape to make them permanent.

She also played with the color of the lettering and my son decided to go with blue lettering and the tri color lettering for the heat/def controls.
The gradient for the temp slider will now be back-lit as well. This should accent the blue back lighting of the dakota digital gauges.

Re: My sons '79 Wag build..

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:05 am
great job
looks awesome.
dave in NC:)